Handmade by Annie

Handmade by Annie

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's been awhile

Sorry everyone... (and by everyone, I mean the 3 of you that read this:) It's been awhile.
I have been busy spending lots and lots of money - although my goal was to save lots and lots of money - it just kind of happens!!!!

Katie needed a little table and chairs, and a toy box, and a new dresser. We needed a grown up dining room table and some new storage for our room... so I have spend WAY too much money in WAY too short of a time which has taken away from my crafting!!!

But!!! I have 2 new finished projects to share.

These are the most adorable baby booties I have ever seen and I went out and splurged to get the yarn to make them and I LOVE THEM!!! Crocheted Mini Uggs!!!! There is a matching hat that I haven't made yet... but as the yarn is discontinued I think I will just make a bunch of the booties so people can buy them for baby showers because they are just so darn cute!!!!

I also finally finished the sweater I was knitting for Katie... It took me a while on and off but I finished it and it's really cute. I just need some buttons that I love to complete it. It's a bit big for her... but it'll be GREAT for the winter:)

My next project has to be for my niece Morganne as she is starting preschool in the fall and we want to make her something extra special.... We have a bunch of patterns we like... but I gotta figure out if the one we really like is something I'm capable of making.... it seems kinds complicated but I'm gonna check it out - maybe I need a challenge!!!


Hope you liked my latest work - I hope to craft more and spend less over the next coming weeks so maybe I will be posting more often again with fun, yummy projects:)

Bitch of the day - My DVR got full because we had bunches of stuff taped that were really long... so it deleted shows... which would be fine for a normal person but we had some stuff on there that we hadn't watched that had been on there for like MONTHS - and didn't realize it was erased until it was way too late.... So... I think DVR's should TELL YOU when they are going to erase your hard earned - recorded shows.... that way - it won't come as a surprise to you, 3 months later when you go to watch the shows you were saving for a rainy day!!

Thanks for reading:)

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